Golf Course Advisory Committee
After two previous years of unsuccessful operation, the new Middle Smithfield Township Supervisors considered only opening the golf course to its premier members for the 2012 season.
A group of local residents, after reviewing the financials of the previous two years, developed a business plan to keep the course open to the public. After multiple presentations to Township residents and Supervisors, the decision was made by the Supervisors to open the course to the public. Recognizing the need to reduce costs and manage the golf course operation, Township officials chartered the Golf Course Advisory Committee. This committee would help manage course operations and advise Supervisors on golf issues.
Tending to endless details and investing countless hours, the committee, working with Township Supervisors, managed the 2012 season to over 10,000 rounds (the most since the township took ownership), increased revenue per round, achieved a significant reduction in costs and successfully transitioned the restaurant into a banquet hall for rent business.
The Golf Course Advisory Committee is comprised of five individuals, all residents of the CCP community. Backgrounds include marketing, sales, legal and operations experience – combined, this extensive experience proves more than the sum of the parts. The committee meets with Township officials twice a month to review golf course operations with a constant eye on costs while striving to improve the golfing experience for patrons of The Country Club of the Poconos.